The Banana Party

We had a party at church today. 

Not a birthday party, with cake and ice cream and balloons; not a Christmas party, with sugar cookies and carols and a pageant; not even a graduation or retirement party, with fond memories and words of wisdom and well wishes for the future. 

We had a "Welcome to Lola, we're glad you're here" party. Even though we have lived in this town for 12 months now, the church wasn't satisfied that they had properly welcomed us, and so they were determined to remedy that. 

The choir lined both sides of the main aisle into the church building, and we walked down the aisle to seats of honor at the front of the church while they sang and danced. Formal gifts from different groups, individuals, and churches were given, all accompanied by presentation speeches. Then came a time for informal gifts, and after the baskets were placed on the floor in front of us, people filed by to add their contributions. 

It was a very humbling experience. We came here to work with these people. We came here because we want to help them have--one day--a Bible in their own language. We came here expecting to help them, yet at the same time expecting that they wouldn't be able to help us. Maybe we didn't make those expectations conciously, but I think they were there. How can we, who have so much, be blessed with gifts from people who  have so little? As it turns out, it's quite possible.  

Large bunches of bananas, beautiful pieces of African fabric, and matching outfits for each of us. Clothes and a sparkling hair bow.  An outfit for Steve that matches those of the deacons in the church. A new shirt. And money. Little by little, they gave a huge sum of almost $100, more than most people make here in a whole month. 

I hope my heart remembers this day for a long time.  I hope I remember the day that people gave gifts to me when they didn't have much for themselves. I hope I remember that God loves a cheerful giver. And I hope I remember that gifts can communicate across cultures, even when words cannot. 


Hannah Velier said…
wow those are some huge bananas!! <3 Hannah
