Pizza and Home
When I was growing
up, Friday night was Family Night. And
ever since Kaelyn was small, we have done a similar sort of "family
night" as well. Sometimes it was on
a Saturday night instead of a Friday night, sometimes it was a game night, more often it was a movie
night, and almost always it involved pizza.
We usually made the pizza ourselves, and that is not necessarily a small
task, especially when small children are involved. Friday evenings were often a lot of work just
to get to the pizza eating and movie watching.
I always like to eat pizza, and I like to play games and watch movies,
but I didn't find myself looking forward to Friday nights very often. I was always glad when it came, of course,
because it meant the arrival of the weekend, but sometimes it was just one more
thing to do.
Over the years, our
pizza nights have moved from Missouri, to Texas, back to Missouri, to France,
and now to
Africa. Maybe it's just a
little bit of home that we take with us wherever we go; maybe it's just yummy
food, but whatever the reason, our Friday night pizza nights have become much
more than just a habit. I find myself
looking forward to that tradition, knowing that after the busyness of the week
we have a fun evening awaiting us, reminding us of home far away, and helping
us to feel home here.