The Front Porch

There is a place that I have grown to love at my parent's house:  the front porch.  A lovely red wooden porch with bright white railings, covered and overlooking a pond.  Nothing fancy, but a place that is peaceful and calm, yet full of the possibility of activity.  From the porch, I can keep an eye out for birds of all sizes and colors that make their homes in the trees near the pond.  I can listen to the crickets and the spring peepers singing joyfully.  I can watch an impressive number of turtles sunning on the bank, and be amazed at their speed in fleeing to safety.

The porch has also been a stage for numerous productions:  4th of July parades, dances in summer rain, balancing acts on the railings.  It's my favorite place to eat lunch, and a delightful place to watch a thunderstorm.  I love that front porch.

We're getting ready to move to Africa, and my parents are moving to Ohio, and the porch we love will not be able to go with us.  But what sweet memories we have!  There are many front porches in the world; I might even have a front porch in Africa.  And maybe it will be used for different things.  Maybe it will be a place to share food with a neighbor who is hungry.  Maybe it will be a place to practice speaking a new language, or a place to greet people who are eager to satisfy their curiosity concerning the new white family in town.

Perhaps it will be a place to watch, to listen, to learn.  Whatever its purpose, whatever its location, I am eager to see the next front porch that God has in store for us.

