I took this picture for the bee, and later saw the heart. |
For just this one year, all four of our kids are in the same age group: elementary school. Before this year, we had at least one child in the pre-school/kindergarten age group, and after this year, we will have one in *gasp* junior high, but for this wonderful year, they are all in école primaire. Which means that, for the Sunday School weekend at camp, all four kids get to go...which also means that, for the two parents who don't get to go, it's a we-have-24-hours-kid-free-let's-do-whatever-we-want kind of weekend. And since those are so rare, they're pretty special.
It just so happened that the Sunday School camp weekend was 5 days after our 13th anniversary. Not bad timing, I'd say. We said our good-byes to the kids, tried not to worry about what stories Carson might tell the teachers, and packed the best picnic lunch we could--not forgetting, of course, an excellent baguette and some local cheese--and headed off on a hike through the mountains. 9 hours and 20 km later, we returned home; tired, yet content in a day spent together and a love that has grown 13 years stronger.
(And for those of you who were worried for the poor little children, having to spend a night away from their parents in a strange place with people who speak only French...they loved it!)
Maybe there's nothing obviously special about a 13th anniversary; it's certainly not as remarkable as the 40 years my parents are celebrating today...but I'm pretty sure I will never forget our picnic lunch in the mountains in beautiful France, amidst a field of wild flowers.
Mountains and a lake in the distance, through the flowers. |
We passed this cave, believed to have been used by François 1st in 1516 as a shelter during a storm.
Saw this not far from a stream...maybe an old mill stone? |
Yep, it's really us! |
Part of one of our trails through the mountain forests |
A Periwinkle, I think. |
another pretty flower...don't know it's name... |
The best view around, at about 750 m elevation. And as soon as we arrived, a storm started to blow in... |